15 Most Strangest Foods That Are Eaten Around The World

15 Most Strangest Foods That Are Eaten Around The World

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Tourism gifts you the chance to meet with beauty of other places, traditions, languages and even eating habits. Some times you demand to have a strong stomach and have to keep away all hesitations to taste some totally strange foods around the world.

1. Bird's Nest Soup

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Bird's Nest Soup is a traditional Chinese food which they started to cook 400 years ago. Chinese chefs used Swiftlet’s nest for making this special natural soup, a small bird that is widely found in South Asia. Chinese people believed that having birds nest soup will gift longer life, which is also a high demanded dish in China.

Normally, Swiftlet birds make their nest in dark caves using their own gummy saliva. Chinese believe that this saliva along with small leafs and other ingredients within the nest is rich source of needed nutrients. The cleaned Swiflet bird nest is simmered in chicken stock to make unique nutrient soup. Swiflet nest is available in Asian markets but it demands high costs.

2. Fried Grasshoppers

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Fried Grasshoppers can be found almost of all parts of the world. It is mainly found largely in Asia and Mexico. Grasshoppers are rich source of proteins. You can find Fried Grasshopper in streets of Asian countries.

In Mexico, people fry grasshoppers with chilly pastes, garlic and lime, which you can get from street sides at low cost.

3. Fried Spiders

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Fried Spiders are attractive strange food of Cambodia. It gets largely marketed in Skuon Town of Cambodia. Foreigners are main customers for Fried Spider snacks in the country. Large number of spiders, palm sized can be found within Skuon Town.

Without separating any parts of the body, the natives of Cambodia fry spiders in oil. They also use mixtures of salt, garlic paste and chilies for making this spider snack, most favorite food item of the tourists visiting Cambodia.

4. Beondegi

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Boendegi is a silk worm, which can be found as a fried food in both small and large markets of Korea. They choose this pupa because of its rich vitamin content, and at the same time it contains fat at a very low rate.

Koreans add sugar and soy sauce to Beondegi as side ingredients. As this pupa grows inside tree it tastes like tree parts. It is available in Korean market at low cost.

5. Mopane

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Mopanes are large caterpillars found in large parts of African region. Zimbabwean people found fried, cooked Mopane worm as a snack, part of daily diet. It counts high level of protein in Mopane worms, and is also a main consumption that can be found within rural areas of Zimbabwe.

In fact Mopane worms contain three times of proteins than that of beefs, also consuming worms won’t make so much harm to the natural Eco-System. The harvest for Mopane worms get started after the rain, and are found in large numbers at that time. Once dried,  it can be consumed directly, or can be cooked with peanut butter souse. Fried Mopane worms get largely exported to various parts of Africa every year, and famous African restaurants in Paris.

6. Escamoles

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Escamoles are a kind of ant larvae which is found as a rich nutrient food in central Mexico. These small egg shaped larvae are harvested from Maguey plants.

Escamoles can also be found with other Mexican dishes. This natural ant egg food is available throughout the year in Mexico.

7. Rocky Mountain Oysters

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United States

Rocky Mountain Oysters are testicles of bulls, cut from those animals for human consumption. Once taken from the cattle, it is prepared through deep frying, or cooked with flours, pepper and salt.

This strange food is widely used in western parts of Canada and America. Rocky Mountain Oyster is mainly found in parts of US where castration is in big part. Mainly Mountain Oysters are serviced within festival season in United States.

8. Sannakji

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Sannakji can be termed as most fresh food that can ever get. It’s small pieces of octopus which is alive when you get served. This favorite strange food in Korea make through cutting down octopus in small pieces and cooked for a shorter time with seed oil and green onion.

One has to be very careful while consuming this delicacy. There are chances that a small piece of the live creature get stuck through, while swallowing the whole piece of octopus within throat or mouth.

9. Hakarl

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Hakarl is a traditional Icelandic food, dried meat of Greenland Shark. This strange sea food is available in Icelandic Super Markets throughout the year, which is also served in Porrablot Mid-Winter Festival in the country.

Hakarl is prepared through deep drying for long four months after special fermentation process. The fresh meat of Greenland Shark can’t be eaten because it's highly poisonous due to rich content of urea.

10. Balut

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Balut Eggs are the most strange food that can ever get from the streets of Philippines. Its aged duck eggs that can be seen with feathers and other parts, just at a growing stage. The natives of Philippines find Balut Eggs as highly nutrient food that can get at a low cost.

Balut Egg gets boiled for short time before it gets served. People have Balut with mixture of vinegar, chilies and garlic. Only the shells remain uneaten in Balut eggs.

11. Shiokara

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Shiokara is one of strangest foods from Japan. A fermented meal of marine animals, it is prepared through using thick paste of inner organs of marine animals such as Cuttle Fish or Squid.

The ingredients of Shiokara also contains rice, salt and chilies, which gets fermented for more than a month. You can get it from all local restaurants and markets of Japan throughout the year.

12. Witchetty Grub

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Witchetty Grub is a medium sized larvae that are found only in Australia. The natives used to harvest them from roots of Witchetty plants. Witchetty Grubs are protein rich larvae, people used to have in raw and lightly cooked form.

Most of the natives of Australia eat Witchetty Grubs in raw form, it has a almond like taste. Eating Witchetty Grubs won’t make any side effects.

13. Century Eggs

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Century Eggs are preserved eggs of chickens, ducks and quails. One of the very special and strange foods of China. It is called as Preserved Eggs and Hundred Year Eggs. The making of Century Eggs will take weeks to several months.

The eggs of chickens, duck and quails immersed in liquid mixture of salt, ash, clay and quick lime, kept for a period length to several months to settle down saline solution to eggs.

14. Fugu

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The Fugu of Japan is a dish of a deadly fish named the Puffer Fish. This fish is highly poisonous. Only the well trained and expert chefs can know how to cut the fish. There are 3,800 Fugu restaurants in Japan today. Preparation and sales of Fugu is strictly controlled by the government.

The removal of poisonous parts from Puffer Fish is a hell job. To gain certifications to be a  Fugu Chef, one must go through one year duration course along with test of preparation and tasting of Fugu himself. Many Japanese lost their life upon Fugu certification test. You must be careful in selecting Fugu restaurants, carelessly prepared Fugu contains tetrododoxin which will shutdown your central nervous system completely within no time. Fugu can also get from United States and Korea other than Japan.

15. Snake Wine

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South-East Asia

Are you completely bored with having only traditional foods? Want foods with a kick? Then choose snake wine. It is a rice or grain beverage prepared with infusing snake. Snake wines are largely prepared in Vietnam and other South-East Asian countries. In some cases, Vietnamese includes both scorpions and snakes within this kind of totally strange wines.

The protein elements within snake's venom are reason to choose them for preparing wines. During long fermentation period the position get vanished by the action of ethanol, same time protein elements get added in wine. Snake wines enough medicinal power to resolve health problems like back pain, lumbago and rheumatism.
